My JournalWhat a day today...what a week too!!<br /><br />First, news from today at Nakechichok. A house full for services. We built 12 pews/benches this week and they are in the church now. They all were full with kids having to still sit on the ground. All the mamas who were suffering from TB have finished their treatment and are declared cured by the doctors! A boy that was feared dead when the family herds returned home without him was found. He was very sick(near death), but has made a full recovery! Mzee Paulo (for those who know him) gave testimony today of how God protected his camels from bandits. He is very, VERY near salvation. Please pray for him. He is the sweetest man I have met here in Turkana...but has yet to receive Christ. There were 2 saved today during the services! Pastor David taught on the power of the resurrection and I preached from 1 Tim 1:18-20. Look it up George, it is a great study!!<br /><br />I only carried 1 mama to Lodwar today. She is having trouble with a tooth and wants to see the dentist. This may not sound like much, but it is a huge testimony to the health of the people in this village. The rains continue, Turkana is in full bloom (like I have never seen before), and the folks are healthy and happy. It is beautiful...and all because God sent His blessing of rain. Even today, my heart soared to mountain tops when I saw the open plains moving with the wind. They are covered in calf high grass and it just sways when kissed by the breath of God! <br /><br />I have been given another goat. This one is from my newest parents. When a child is named after me, his parents are now my parents. Mzee Paulo (from above) and Helen are my adopted parents. He gave a huge goat to me today. We will enjoy/eat him soon!<br /><br />Work wise, this week has been spent building...for the most part. We built a cover over the water tank at Napetet church (where our Bible institute is) to keep it a little cool. We also built the 12 benches for Nakechichok. <br /><br />Pastor Michael and I went with Josephat to Naduat to help in the Bible study. 17 made professions of faith and over 40 came for our mid-week service to learn more Bible doctrine. We are praying about organizing this work in August.<br /><br />On a personal note, I was travelling with Pastor David and his friend Asto to Nakechichok yesterday. I can only carry 4 benches per trip...and Asto wanted to see his buddy's work. They were sitting in the back seat because I had 2 of the benches inside and had to fold up the passenger seat to make room for the long benches. Any way...Asto was asking David about our churches, our pastors, and me. I had my i-pod on but I could still hear them. It was the coolest thing I have ever over heard! I will not share most of what I heard, lest you think I am full of myself. But I has humbled by the way Pastor David sees me and by what he says is the testimony of the Pastors I work with. <br /><br />According to him, I always come to the Pastors in a low way and put them before myself. Asto said a white man does not do that when dealing with Africans. David told him, "you do not know Ekiru". <br /><br />Please pray with me that I will always put these fine men of God ahead of myself. They are the work and the future of Turkana Missions...not me. <br /><br />My heart is full, my prayer is one of thanksgiving, and my cup runneth over!<br /><br />Thank you to all who log on and pray for us here in Turkana.<br /><br />Much love tonight,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 24 Jan 2010 by Eddie
2010...two thousand ten or twenty-ten...either way, it is a new year! With it comes hope, and a desire to be a more acceptable child of God...that the trials, sins, and failures of last year will not carry into this one. This is where I find myself tonight...with hope and promise.<br /><br />There has been much planning and prayer this week. I met with the pastors on Monday and again today. Every one had a great time of fellowship and my heart is encouraged greatly by their vision.<br /><br />The trouble in Kerio is finished. The soldiers are still there, but the road is open again and things are getting back to normal. I hope to finish the post work in Nangolipus next week. I went yesterday to measure the building at Nakechichok and to help in a medical clinic. We hope to build benches for this church before February.<br /><br />Pastors Michael and Steven have finished their planning. They will return to Sudan to help missionary John the first 2 weeks in February. I plan to follow them in March. Please pray for John and his work among the Tuposa. <br /><br />I got a report from his sponsoring church (Makina BC in Nairobi) and John said the folks in Sudan call us (the folks in Turkana) the Tuposa of Kenya. They claim to be the original tribe. All I know, the 2 groups share one the pastors from here can go there and be an effective witness. I praise God for their vision and willingness to be used anywhere.<br /><br />We are also finalizing plans to drill more wells the last of January through the first 2 weeks of February. I hope to start at Nangolipus (they are the most remote and desperate for water) and then Nanyangakipi. Nakechichok now has 2 are no longer in great need. However, the folks in Naduat are thirsty. We hope to organize the Bible study there in August and a well would be a huge blessing to the new church. Please pray for these plans.<br /><br />We will take a survey tomorrow of a new village. It is (kind of) between Nakechichok and Nanyangakipi (we have churches in both of these villages)but a long ways away too. I am told it is a very large village but there is not a church of any kind there. Please help us pray for this survey trip and for God to open a door.<br /><br />That will make 8 villages we will be working in. While I praise God for what He has is a huge reminder, there is much work ahead of us. Please join us in prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up more laborers in Turkana.<br /><br />Thank you for all your love, support, encouraging words, and prayers. You are more of a blessing than you know.<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 13 Jan 2010 by Eddie
To catch you up on my friends who came from America, they left Christmas night and were delayed in London because of the terrorist activity. They missed all their connecting flights...but are finally home...and are sick. Please pray for Heather, Josh, and Clint.<br /><br />I left Nairobi on the morning of the 27th and reached Eldoret with no problems. I started my long journey home this morning at 4:30am. If all went well, I should have been home in time for lunch.<br /><br />That did not happen!<br /><br />The road to Turkana has many dried river beds called logas. Being dry most of the year, you just drive over the sand and go on. There is a really long, deep loga at a village called Kalibok. <br /><br />My guys from Turkana told me they had more rain on Christmas. While I continue to praise God for this answer to prayer...I also knew it would present me with a problem at Kalibok.<br /><br />When I arrived at this loga this morning, there were literally hundreds...possibly a thousand people stranded. All were waiting for the water to drop enough so their modes of transportation could cross (buses, private cars and trucks). I drove up to the front of the line and got out to survey the situation myself.<br /><br />The water was over the top of my jeans and flowing very fast. However, people were able to cross. I walked out with them and as far as I could see...nothing but fast moving water!!<br /><br />I walked around the bend and saw a Toyota Hilux pickup that tried to cross and it was not dead in the water (literally). The water was flowing over the hood by several inches.<br /><br />I turned around at that point and made the decision I would have to wait like everyone else! URG!!<br /><br />When I got back to my truck, I placed a rock at the edge of the water to see if it was getting deeper or doing down. It was going down!!<br /><br />I waited about 2 hours and the water dropped about a foot in depth. The lori (semi truck) behind me asked me to move my truck...he was going to give it a try.<br /><br />I knew from past experience, I should go ahead of him because if he did not make it...he would block the road until a dozer could come (several days??) and drag him out of the muck. <br /><br />So I prayed, prayed, prayed...locked my truck into low 4-wheel drive, and started into the water.<br /><br />The loga is about 350-400 yards in length.<br /><br />The further I got into the water, naturally, the deeper the water got. When I reached the spot of the flooded Toyota Hilux, I made the decision to leave the road (praying the water would be lower out of the hole made by the road). I made it passed the truck!<br /><br />As I made my way back to where the road is supposed to be, the water began to freely flow over my hood and doors...several inches up the windows. Then I hit an unseen hole and the truck dropped down....what seemed to me in my terrified state...about 3 feet. The water completely covered my windshield and I was praying that it would not reach the end of my snorkel and flood my engine. I was also praying that the truck would just keep moving and not stick there.<br /><br />The truck began to struggle in the mud and the many waters that are pushing at the driver's side. I literally cried out for God's help. <br /><br />At that very moment, it seemed to me that an unseen hand just gently pushed the back of my truck and got me through that mess. I broke into tears of joy and shouts of praise!!<br /><br />I still had a long way to go before I was clear of the water. Again the fast moving flood began to flow over my hood...and again God delivered in a mighty way!! My engine stayed strong, my tires continued to find traction, and the truck kept moving.<br /><br />As the water level began to drop, the hundred of folks on the Lodwar side of the loga broke into cheers!<br /><br />I got out to survey the damage to my truck (there seems to be none) and was greeted like a celebrity! They all said they would have to spend the night there...and they would be talking of the white man in his Toyota Prado and his God that got him through!!<br /><br />I am home now and am still in awe at what God did today. My night guard came in about 6pm and was shocked to find me home. He said no truck has reached Lodwar today. That everyone is saying the loga at Kalibok has closed the road. I told him they do not know me and my God! <br /><br />I know some of you may read this and think it was a very stupid thing I did by trying to cross. I will quickly agree with you. All I can say is that in my heart of hearts, I knew God would help me cross. <br /><br />I start seminar on Monday. Please pray. We will finish our survey of the Old Testament. We will cover all the prophetic books in a week!!<br /><br />Happy New Year!!<br /><br />Much love to you and thankfulness to God,<br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 29 Dec 2009 by Eddie
After setting posts in the village of Nangolipus, I have tried, unsucessfully, to buy the timbers (boards) we will need to build the church building. Something has happened in the government. They are cracking down on illegal logging and it has resulted in a drastic shortage of materials. Nothing is reaching Lodwar...nothing!<br /><br />As I write this post, I have 3 guests (who are hopefully right now tucked into their beds at a guest house in Nairobi) flying tomorrow to Turkana. 2 of them are builders...and are supposed to help build the building that we can not buy supplies to do! URG!!<br /><br />I have to admit, that URG! was meant as humor. I am not the least bit frustrated by this. I look at it this way...God knows the guests are here. If He wants them to help build, He will provide a way for materials to reach Turkana. If not, then there must be something else we are to do. That is where the wonder and joy comes into play. I like to plan things out...but I LOVE it when God changes those plans. It helps me to remember 2 things: I am trying to do His work, therefore the plan is His to change. Also, for Him to change them...means He sees, is involved, and is shaping the future of Turkana Missions! I really love that last part! <br /><br />Sometimes, it seems I am all alone here. But nothing could be farther from the truth. I live here with God! He is my family (when my family is so far away), He is my friend (when there does not seem to anyone who understands me), and He is my Savior!<br /><br />Please pray for this group. Lord willing (and the creek does not has 2 different times before and I could not reach the airport in Loki (215kms from Lodwar) to collect my guests...who were forced to spend a night by themselves in Turkana!), I will reach them tomorrow.<br /><br />Please also pray for Pastor Peter's little boy, Eddie. He is about a month old now and things are not right with him. His eyes are not focussing and he seems to have little control over them. Both of legs turn at the knee, and again at the ankle. His feet are almost facing backwards. <br /><br />I carried the entire family today to Lodwar (after church). They hope to see a doctor tomorrow and to begin to build a plan (if possible) to repair the deformity in his lower limbs. I feel a great need to help...but am unsure right now as to how to proceed. <br /><br />If you read this and might want to help cover some medical costs (right now I do not know what they would be), please let me know. It will help me to know what I can offer to Peter and his family as options. <br /><br />Either way, please pray for little Eddie. He has a very long road ahead of him. But that takes me back to the wonder and joy of being in a place where our only real option is simple faith and trust in God! Peter's family has a beautiful peace about them...that can only come from God. <br /><br />Also, please pray for my very good friend George Pennell in Wiggins, MS. He is having surgery on 11 December. You can read the details he wrote in the comments section of my last post. I know he and his family covet all our prayers!<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 06 Dec 2009 by Eddie
Powered by CuteNews Journal ArchiveWhat a day today...what a week too!!<br /><br />First, news from today at Nakechichok. A house full for services. We built 12 pews/benches this week and they are in the church now. They all were full with kids having to still sit on the ground. All the mamas who were suffering from TB have finished their treatment and are declared cured by the doctors! A boy that was feared dead when the family herds returned home without him was found. He was very sick(near death), but has made a full recovery! Mzee Paulo (for those who know him) gave testimony today of how God protected his camels from bandits. He is very, VERY near salvation. Please pray for him. He is the sweetest man I have met here in Turkana...but has yet to receive Christ. There were 2 saved today during the services! Pastor David taught on the power of the resurrection and I preached from 1 Tim 1:18-20. Look it up George, it is a great study!!<br /><br />I only carried 1 mama to Lodwar today. She is having trouble with a tooth and wants to see the dentist. This may not sound like much, but it is a huge testimony to the health of the people in this village. The rains continue, Turkana is in full bloom (like I have never seen before), and the folks are healthy and happy. It is beautiful...and all because God sent His blessing of rain. Even today, my heart soared to mountain tops when I saw the open plains moving with the wind. They are covered in calf high grass and it just sways when kissed by the breath of God! <br /><br />I have been given another goat. This one is from my newest parents. When a child is named after me, his parents are now my parents. Mzee Paulo (from above) and Helen are my adopted parents. He gave a huge goat to me today. We will enjoy/eat him soon!<br /><br />Work wise, this week has been spent building...for the most part. We built a cover over the water tank at Napetet church (where our Bible institute is) to keep it a little cool. We also built the 12 benches for Nakechichok. <br /><br />Pastor Michael and I went with Josephat to Naduat to help in the Bible study. 17 made professions of faith and over 40 came for our mid-week service to learn more Bible doctrine. We are praying about organizing this work in August.<br /><br />On a personal note, I was travelling with Pastor David and his friend Asto to Nakechichok yesterday. I can only carry 4 benches per trip...and Asto wanted to see his buddy's work. They were sitting in the back seat because I had 2 of the benches inside and had to fold up the passenger seat to make room for the long benches. Any way...Asto was asking David about our churches, our pastors, and me. I had my i-pod on but I could still hear them. It was the coolest thing I have ever over heard! I will not share most of what I heard, lest you think I am full of myself. But I has humbled by the way Pastor David sees me and by what he says is the testimony of the Pastors I work with. <br /><br />According to him, I always come to the Pastors in a low way and put them before myself. Asto said a white man does not do that when dealing with Africans. David told him, "you do not know Ekiru". <br /><br />Please pray with me that I will always put these fine men of God ahead of myself. They are the work and the future of Turkana Missions...not me. <br /><br />My heart is full, my prayer is one of thanksgiving, and my cup runneth over!<br /><br />Thank you to all who log on and pray for us here in Turkana.<br /><br />Much love tonight,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 24 Jan 2010 by Eddie
2010...two thousand ten or twenty-ten...either way, it is a new year! With it comes hope, and a desire to be a more acceptable child of God...that the trials, sins, and failures of last year will not carry into this one. This is where I find myself tonight...with hope and promise.<br /><br />There has been much planning and prayer this week. I met with the pastors on Monday and again today. Every one had a great time of fellowship and my heart is encouraged greatly by their vision.<br /><br />The trouble in Kerio is finished. The soldiers are still there, but the road is open again and things are getting back to normal. I hope to finish the post work in Nangolipus next week. I went yesterday to measure the building at Nakechichok and to help in a medical clinic. We hope to build benches for this church before February.<br /><br />Pastors Michael and Steven have finished their planning. They will return to Sudan to help missionary John the first 2 weeks in February. I plan to follow them in March. Please pray for John and his work among the Tuposa. <br /><br />I got a report from his sponsoring church (Makina BC in Nairobi) and John said the folks in Sudan call us (the folks in Turkana) the Tuposa of Kenya. They claim to be the original tribe. All I know, the 2 groups share one the pastors from here can go there and be an effective witness. I praise God for their vision and willingness to be used anywhere.<br /><br />We are also finalizing plans to drill more wells the last of January through the first 2 weeks of February. I hope to start at Nangolipus (they are the most remote and desperate for water) and then Nanyangakipi. Nakechichok now has 2 are no longer in great need. However, the folks in Naduat are thirsty. We hope to organize the Bible study there in August and a well would be a huge blessing to the new church. Please pray for these plans.<br /><br />We will take a survey tomorrow of a new village. It is (kind of) between Nakechichok and Nanyangakipi (we have churches in both of these villages)but a long ways away too. I am told it is a very large village but there is not a church of any kind there. Please help us pray for this survey trip and for God to open a door.<br /><br />That will make 8 villages we will be working in. While I praise God for what He has is a huge reminder, there is much work ahead of us. Please join us in prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up more laborers in Turkana.<br /><br />Thank you for all your love, support, encouraging words, and prayers. You are more of a blessing than you know.<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 13 Jan 2010 by Eddie
To catch you up on my friends who came from America, they left Christmas night and were delayed in London because of the terrorist activity. They missed all their connecting flights...but are finally home...and are sick. Please pray for Heather, Josh, and Clint.<br /><br />I left Nairobi on the morning of the 27th and reached Eldoret with no problems. I started my long journey home this morning at 4:30am. If all went well, I should have been home in time for lunch.<br /><br />That did not happen!<br /><br />The road to Turkana has many dried river beds called logas. Being dry most of the year, you just drive over the sand and go on. There is a really long, deep loga at a village called Kalibok. <br /><br />My guys from Turkana told me they had more rain on Christmas. While I continue to praise God for this answer to prayer...I also knew it would present me with a problem at Kalibok.<br /><br />When I arrived at this loga this morning, there were literally hundreds...possibly a thousand people stranded. All were waiting for the water to drop enough so their modes of transportation could cross (buses, private cars and trucks). I drove up to the front of the line and got out to survey the situation myself.<br /><br />The water was over the top of my jeans and flowing very fast. However, people were able to cross. I walked out with them and as far as I could see...nothing but fast moving water!!<br /><br />I walked around the bend and saw a Toyota Hilux pickup that tried to cross and it was not dead in the water (literally). The water was flowing over the hood by several inches.<br /><br />I turned around at that point and made the decision I would have to wait like everyone else! URG!!<br /><br />When I got back to my truck, I placed a rock at the edge of the water to see if it was getting deeper or doing down. It was going down!!<br /><br />I waited about 2 hours and the water dropped about a foot in depth. The lori (semi truck) behind me asked me to move my truck...he was going to give it a try.<br /><br />I knew from past experience, I should go ahead of him because if he did not make it...he would block the road until a dozer could come (several days??) and drag him out of the muck. <br /><br />So I prayed, prayed, prayed...locked my truck into low 4-wheel drive, and started into the water.<br /><br />The loga is about 350-400 yards in length.<br /><br />The further I got into the water, naturally, the deeper the water got. When I reached the spot of the flooded Toyota Hilux, I made the decision to leave the road (praying the water would be lower out of the hole made by the road). I made it passed the truck!<br /><br />As I made my way back to where the road is supposed to be, the water began to freely flow over my hood and doors...several inches up the windows. Then I hit an unseen hole and the truck dropped down....what seemed to me in my terrified state...about 3 feet. The water completely covered my windshield and I was praying that it would not reach the end of my snorkel and flood my engine. I was also praying that the truck would just keep moving and not stick there.<br /><br />The truck began to struggle in the mud and the many waters that are pushing at the driver's side. I literally cried out for God's help. <br /><br />At that very moment, it seemed to me that an unseen hand just gently pushed the back of my truck and got me through that mess. I broke into tears of joy and shouts of praise!!<br /><br />I still had a long way to go before I was clear of the water. Again the fast moving flood began to flow over my hood...and again God delivered in a mighty way!! My engine stayed strong, my tires continued to find traction, and the truck kept moving.<br /><br />As the water level began to drop, the hundred of folks on the Lodwar side of the loga broke into cheers!<br /><br />I got out to survey the damage to my truck (there seems to be none) and was greeted like a celebrity! They all said they would have to spend the night there...and they would be talking of the white man in his Toyota Prado and his God that got him through!!<br /><br />I am home now and am still in awe at what God did today. My night guard came in about 6pm and was shocked to find me home. He said no truck has reached Lodwar today. That everyone is saying the loga at Kalibok has closed the road. I told him they do not know me and my God! <br /><br />I know some of you may read this and think it was a very stupid thing I did by trying to cross. I will quickly agree with you. All I can say is that in my heart of hearts, I knew God would help me cross. <br /><br />I start seminar on Monday. Please pray. We will finish our survey of the Old Testament. We will cover all the prophetic books in a week!!<br /><br />Happy New Year!!<br /><br />Much love to you and thankfulness to God,<br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 29 Dec 2009 by Eddie
After setting posts in the village of Nangolipus, I have tried, unsucessfully, to buy the timbers (boards) we will need to build the church building. Something has happened in the government. They are cracking down on illegal logging and it has resulted in a drastic shortage of materials. Nothing is reaching Lodwar...nothing!<br /><br />As I write this post, I have 3 guests (who are hopefully right now tucked into their beds at a guest house in Nairobi) flying tomorrow to Turkana. 2 of them are builders...and are supposed to help build the building that we can not buy supplies to do! URG!!<br /><br />I have to admit, that URG! was meant as humor. I am not the least bit frustrated by this. I look at it this way...God knows the guests are here. If He wants them to help build, He will provide a way for materials to reach Turkana. If not, then there must be something else we are to do. That is where the wonder and joy comes into play. I like to plan things out...but I LOVE it when God changes those plans. It helps me to remember 2 things: I am trying to do His work, therefore the plan is His to change. Also, for Him to change them...means He sees, is involved, and is shaping the future of Turkana Missions! I really love that last part! <br /><br />Sometimes, it seems I am all alone here. But nothing could be farther from the truth. I live here with God! He is my family (when my family is so far away), He is my friend (when there does not seem to anyone who understands me), and He is my Savior!<br /><br />Please pray for this group. Lord willing (and the creek does not has 2 different times before and I could not reach the airport in Loki (215kms from Lodwar) to collect my guests...who were forced to spend a night by themselves in Turkana!), I will reach them tomorrow.<br /><br />Please also pray for Pastor Peter's little boy, Eddie. He is about a month old now and things are not right with him. His eyes are not focussing and he seems to have little control over them. Both of legs turn at the knee, and again at the ankle. His feet are almost facing backwards. <br /><br />I carried the entire family today to Lodwar (after church). They hope to see a doctor tomorrow and to begin to build a plan (if possible) to repair the deformity in his lower limbs. I feel a great need to help...but am unsure right now as to how to proceed. <br /><br />If you read this and might want to help cover some medical costs (right now I do not know what they would be), please let me know. It will help me to know what I can offer to Peter and his family as options. <br /><br />Either way, please pray for little Eddie. He has a very long road ahead of him. But that takes me back to the wonder and joy of being in a place where our only real option is simple faith and trust in God! Peter's family has a beautiful peace about them...that can only come from God. <br /><br />Also, please pray for my very good friend George Pennell in Wiggins, MS. He is having surgery on 11 December. You can read the details he wrote in the comments section of my last post. I know he and his family covet all our prayers!<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 06 Dec 2009 by Eddie
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